Poppy Pinot Noir 2008

With a name so cute you can hardly resist it and a price so good you just want to stock up on it, Poppy Pinot Noir 2008 is a delicious, fruity choice for the casual wine drinker. If a fresh glass of wine after a hard day’s work is your speed, this wine is an excellent...

Mirassou Pinot Noir 2008

Sometimes the inevitable question arises: “Is it too early for wine?” The answer, at least in my house, is always “No.” But if you find yourself feeling a bit of the guilt at noon on a Friday, order a glass or bottle of Mirassou Pinot Noir and wash the guilt away....

Chalone Pinot Noir 2006

Going out to eat should always be an experience. Whether it’s the table next to you that helps create a conversation piece or a meal so great that you literally talk about it your whole ride home- every meal should be an experience. Usually for me the experience...

La Crema Pinot Noir 2008

Turning 30 is a tough bite to chew. A girl needs her friends. A girls needs a long weekend away to embrace it all. A girl needs a good bottle of wine. All of these things were obtained this weekend and while the stories are fun, the wine review is really what you are...